Clean Bus Working Groups
CALSTART, in coordination with the Federal Transit Administration’s Low or No Emission Program (Low-No) Program, has convened Clean Bus Working Groups across the nation. The working groups bring together transit leaders, local governments, industry and other stakeholders to identify challenges and solutions for transit agencies looking to adopt clean buses.
Los Angeles Zero Emission Bus Working Group
- To join the group please contact Fred Silver
San Joaquin Valley Zero Emission Bus Working Group
- Facilitated through the SJV Transit Managers Group and led by CALSTART
- To join the group please contact Jared Schnader
New York Zero Emission Bus Working Group
- Facilitated through the New York Public Transit Association’s (NYPTA) Maintenance Managers Working Group and led by CALSTART
- To join the group please contact Ben Mandel
Florida AD-MAG Initiative and ZEB WG and development of white paper for ZEB Adoption across the state
- To join the group please contact Jared Schnader
Midwest ZEB Working Group
- To join the group please contact Maureen Marshall
Connected and Autonomous Transit Users Group (CATUF)
- To join the group please contact Maureen Marshall